Cantr II test

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Below you will find an overview of the departments that are installed to run the Cantr game. If you have questions, comments or suggestions about the game, please use our contact page. It will be appreciated if you first check which department comes closest to your question and then write to that department instead of writing immediately to the Support Departments.

Do you have bugs to report? Please visit our bug report system.

If you want to help in running the game, that is of course very much appreciated. In this case please use our application form.

Forum nickname Discord nickname Position

Game Administration Board
The Game Administration Board is responsible for providing vision and unity to Cantr staff. All major changes or decisions by Cantr staff must be approved by the GAB. The GAB consists of the chairs of each department, so that each department is represented. See the Cantr II Constitution.

Contact this department

Joshuamonkey Joshuamonkey Chair
Joshuamonkey Joshuamonkey Member (Public Relations Department)

Resources Department
The Game Mechanics Department is responsible for the mechanics of the Cantr game, including materials, objects, machines, animals, combat, etc. Game Mechanics members need to consider game balance and seek to uphold Cantr’s mission in their decisions. The Game Mechanics Department works closely together with the Programming Department in managing the list of manufacturable objects in the game.

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Players Department
This department is responsible for ensuring that Cantr's rules are being followed by the players. They are also there to assist players with questions regarding the rules, to receive reports of rule violations, to restore deactivated accounts, accept new players, and assist with password or email address changes.

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Programming Department
This department is responsible for adding to and maintaining the source code of Cantr II. It also administrate all technical aspects of running the game, such as databases, web servers, domains, technical forum and wiki issues, among other things. Its members also help support players with technical issues in the game.

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Languages Department

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Administrative Support Department
This department will contain all staff members that perform tasks to support the Game Administration Board and other departments.
Personnel Officers are responsible for spotting problems among the Cantr staff and will handle applications for staff positions. If you have questions about becoming a staff member, or if you are a staff member and experience problems as such, please contact this department using link below.
The Finance Officer is responsible for the bookkeeping of Cantr and handling donations. If you have questions or want to send donations, please use our contact form.
The Development Monitor is responsible for maintaining the flow of ideas from suggestion to implementation, with the goal of keeping ideas from stagnating and getting buried.

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Public Relations Department
This department has three main purposes: Social outreach, marketing, and social moderation.

As Cantr is a global game played by people of many languages, the PR department employs translators and language group Liaison Officers to facilitate good communication between the language groups and staff. Translators are responsible for translating ingame texts and global announcements, and for assisting other departments in communications with players. Liaison Officers manage administrative tasks for their language groups, such as the hiring of staff, and also communicate the language group's needs to the GAB (and vice-verse).
Marketers are tasked with promoting Cantr within their language group.
Finally, moderators ensure compliance with the rules within Cantr's social media (forum, irc, wiki, etc).
Members of this department can specialize, or perform as many functions as they are comfortable with.

Contact this department

Joshuamonkey Joshuamonkey Chair

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